Imagine you were kicked out of university and the only job you could find was in another city, Thessalonica, with no church and no Internet connection. You gather some student interested in learning more about Jesus. You call yourselves Thessalonians Students CF and meet them for three weeks. All of a sudden you lose your job but regain a place in university. At uni, you are so busy catching up with your studies you have not had time to visit Thessalonica, so you send two of your closest friends. They return with news that TSCF is doing well you and decide to write them a letter, the first one of this sort you have ever written. What would you say? Now read the real thing...
Biblical text (choose the version you like):
Singing it
More visuals of verses from 1 Thessalonians.
This time think about how reading the whole book of 1 Thessalonians and knowing its background adds to the meaning of each verse. Taking verses out of context, dilutes the richness of the many layers of meaning found in the text.
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