A few days ago we looked at Paul's final letter (II Timothy), and contemplated on that. Here we have Peter's final letter, also written at the end of his life, when he anticipates death in the near future. About 10 minutes reading for this letter.
Very good quiet time reading resources - I do my Bible study at the end of the day, so I didn't read the resources through the day as suggested, but they provide constructive and thoughtful comments and questions. Only one thing I would add to the last 'quiet time': It says "Pray that you will be always ready for Christ's return" I would tend to say - Pray that you ARE ready for Christ's return, and that you would remain that way - that you would always be ready. I know, 'always' suggests any time from now, but people tend to see the future tense, they think things can be put off, and they will get to that point eventually - but we must be ready NOW - if we are not, then we need to get ready now, so that we ARE ready.
Remember this - now live this! Remember this - don't forget it! Remember this - be assured of it! Remember this - don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Remember this - woe to those who turn their back on God! Remember this - and be ready! Remember this - and stand firm! Remember this - and keep growing!
As you have probably gathered from my previous paragraph, the theme I noticed coming through in Peter's words was a call to remember things. 'This' is, respectively:
The grace of God shown to us; That we were/are cleansed from our sins; The knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Glory; The Divine inspiration of the Scriptures; Those forsaking God and following their own desires are worse off than if they never knew God; Christ will come in conquering power and judgement, on His timetable; Others will try to twist the Scriptures for their own ends; All of the above!
Now, piece them together, or read them separately - as you like!
Let us encourage each other in the study of the Scriptures, in living out the way of righteousness, and in defending the glorious gospel of Christ from those who distort it and try to deceive us and others. Be very aware of false teachers - they will seem legitimate! (at least under cursory examination.) Rely on God, and not our own power to resist spiritual forces - and for wisdom to discern and answer false teaching. Also, something I think many of us fail at - and myself especially here - REMIND EACH OTHER!!!! Remind each other of the truths of God - this is not a once learnt, never forgotten thing like riding a bicycle - Peter was always reminding people, Paul was always reminding people, and we should follow their example!
A couple more thoughts on my own perspective on death/His coming again. I am reminded of my 21st Birthday party, where a friend asked me random questions to put me on the spot. One of them was - what is on your bucket list? Now, I'm not one for giving expected answers at the best of times - far more interesting to throw a spanner in the works and surprise people! But at the same time, a lot of these answers simply come out of a desire to be honest with people, being willing to be seen to be different, because I am different - I am Christ's! Wow, bit of a mouthful - better actually tell you my answer now: I answered "I don't have one" After another prod, I explained: I am ready to die right now, if that is what God decides - there is nothing I want to do before I die - nothing I need to do, I'm ready now." After that, we settled for explaining a couple of things I might enjoy doing if I did stay around - but the point was made.
I'm quite happy to live here on earth, while God has purpose for me here, and I'll plan for the future to use the time He has given wisely, but I would love far more to be with Him. 'Whether He will give me a chauffeured trip or in mass transport with all my friends' (dying, or ascending directly in the rapture) as my elder used to say (he got a chauffeured trip), it will be glorious either way. Be ready for His coming again - it could be today, it could be while I'm still typing this sentence. Ok, it wasn't that soon - maybe this one. No - not that one either - anyway, you get the picture. It could also be years or decades away - it is His timing, not ours. We just need to be ready.
Lord, thank You for these reminders of the wonderful truths. Thank You for the assurance You have given us, and the grace You have granted. Help us grow, Lord. Help us stand firm and not be deceived. Give us a passion for Your Word that cannot be put out by an apathetic or malicious world - and wisdom to discern the false from the true, and any distortions of Your truth. Lord, we wait earnestly for Your coming again - that glorious day when You will finally be awarded the praise You deserve! Lord, whether we ascend to You through death, or at Your call in rapture, we long to see Your face. While here, keep us growing in You, using our time, resources, and skills that You have granted us wisely, and living in the way of righteousness, according to Your character. In Your Name we pray - Blessed be Your Name!
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