Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Day Twenty-One: Godly authority

A nice, short 20 minutes reading time, but covering a lot of topics!

Peter, the author of this epistle and one of the twelve apostles, was probably in Rome at the time of writing this - judging by the greeting from 'Babylon', a common alias for Rome. There are not many hints in the letter about the time, except that it is probably not long after a period of persecution, where believers were scattered from Rome. The common understanding is that this was just after Rome burned and Nero began an avid persecution of the Christians, about AD 64.

Suffering is one of the themes that keeps coming up in the letter. It is seen as temporary, within God's sovereignty, and to be endured with joy after Christ's example, trusting in God - Who has authority over our circumstances.

Holiness is another theme that runs throughout. The contrast between our old lives and the new life we have, chosen by God to be holy, set apart for Him. Linked with this is the idea of example to unbelievers. In public life, in relation to governmental authority, in the home, and indeed everywhere! By living a holy life we honour and glorify God, Who is the Cause of this change in our lives. Though others may seek to accuse us of all sorts of things, living our lives humbly according to His Word, and answering their questions respectfully and gently - this will be a witness to them, toward their repentance, or toward their judgement if they don't repent.

Humility, service, working together - all these are intertwined in the pages. Being willing to be recognised as a Christian - willing to speak about it to others - not shamefacedly, but with joy, confidence, and (in some ways) pride.

Our God and Father, we come before You seeking Your continued grace and mercy. Lord, we are continually in awe of Your sending Christ to earth, to die on our behalf. As we read and seek to understand more fully Your example of humility, Lord help us to show this same humility in dealing with each other, and with non-believers. Thank You that You are the Shepherd, the Overseer of our souls, and we can entrust ourselves to Your care. Help us to live out lives holy, set apart for Your glory, as we relate with government, non-believers, other authorities, and in the home. Grant us strength to resist temptation to sin, and fall to the old desires that are no longer characteristic of our lives Lord. In Your glorious Name, we pray.

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