Friday, 18 January 2013

Day Seventeen: Putting lives in order

Forgot to notice the time I stopped reading this time! I think it was about the 5 min mark.

Many parallels here to 1 Timothy  -  both letters were written about the same time, and both written to younger men Paul had left in charge of growing churches.Titus was located in Crete, and is ministering there, at least until others come to take up the work (Artemus and/or Tychicus). He was heavily involved with the church at Corinth, as seen by his many mentions in 2 Corinthians, during Paul's 3rd missionary journey.

Great visual depiction of the outline of the book in that image in the intro. I like the venn diagram system of overlapping emphasis and the way they have 'godly people' showing in a different font with two ways of using the two words.

Putting that aside for now, though, I would relate the theme of the book as 'order'. First we have God, putting things in order (in the proper time), and then we lead in to the instruction to Titus to put the leadership in order, so that they may lead according to God's order (way of doing things). We see the false teachers being condemned - they are putting things out of order, upsetting families with deceit and false teaching. Titus is also to teach the people to be in order - he is to teach the proper roles for the old and the young men, and the older women. Interesting to note that he is not directed to teach the younger women specifically - that role is left to the older women, and this gives us some indication of the practical out-workings of a pure and blameless life that is required for a leader. He is to put his own life in order, that he might be an example. Slaves (employees)  must also live their lives in God's order, as serving God, not man.
And why? Because God has wonderfully wrought salvation for us, that we might escape the entrapment of the world, and live purified and orderly lives in Him, waiting for that blessed day when He comes for us.
While we remain here on earth, though, we must participate in the order of the land we are in, subject to authority that God has placed over us. To be orderly in our relationships with people, not quarrelsome, but courteous. Focusing on Christ, and standing firm in His Righteousness, justified freely by His grace - not listening to those who preach otherwise, causing division. If they do, and refuse to listen to the truth and warnings, they should be cut off from the church, to prevent their influence.

Lord, thank You for Your glorious order revealed for our lives in Your Word. Thank You for the blessing of the authorities and leaders You have placed over us, exhorting us and leading us according to Your Word. And Lord, may we learn to discern truth from error and recognise those who would try to teach any thought that detracts from Your glorious work and grace given to us - any quarrel that detracts from the beauty and glory of Your Name - any suggestion that You are not trustworthy, or Your salvation is not enough. Lord, strengthen those of us You have called to be leaders. Help us to know when to teach, when to encourage, when to exhort, when to rebuke, when to condemn, and when to cut off. Guide us in Your truth, and never let us lose sight of Your centrality to the message preached. You are the centre of our lives, Lord. May we by Your grace show this by example to others.

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