Saturday, 19 January 2013

Day Eighteen: A transformed slave

The shortest of Paul's letters, Philemon only takes a couple of minutes to read through, but the words it contains are rich! A personal letter, about a personal matter - but notice how it all revolves around Christ.

The theme of this letter is the transformation that has occurred - both in Onesimus and Philemon. Onesimus was a runaway - breaking the law and shirking responsibility. After salvation, he was a fruitful worker with Paul, and was willing to travel back to his master, accepting responsibility for his actions. Paul appeals to Philemon through the transformation that has taken place in Philemon's life, too. Philemon was saved at Ephesus under Paul, and the transformation in his life showed through his witness to the city of Colosse, and the establishing of a church that met in his house. As he has experienced love from God, Paul asks him to show that love toward Onesimus. It shows the relationship between fellow believers on matters such as this too - not one of compulsion, but loving requests.

Lord, we thank You for the transformation that You have wrought in us, and the love You have given us. Help us to treat all brothers and sisters in love, as we have received love from You. We pray for Your guidance, and trust in Your provision for all the saints. Blessed be Your Name, O Lord! Blessed be Your Name.

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