Here are some examples
Do a one-day reading retreat from Romans to Revelations
Get people to bring their computers and log on to a Facebook page.
Copy and paste the material from Word Up/ this blog according to a schedule and read the bible together. Talk about what you have learnt over meal times.
A possible schedule:
9am-10.30am Opening prayer.
Romans (Read aloud in small groups)
10.30-11 Morning tea discuss Romans
11-12.30 1 Corinthians
(Have 4 people read four chapters over and over again. Person A chapter 1-4, Person B chapter 5-8, Person C chapter 9-12, Person D the rest. People can walk listening to each person. To illustrate division in the church)
12.30-1.30 Lunch discuss 1 Corinthians and do word art
1.30-3 2 Corinthians and Galatians ( Take turns to read to the whole group)
3-3.30 Afternoon tea and discuss
3.30-4.30 The prison letters Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and Philemon. (Read alone on the floor/ prison-like conditions)
4.30-5.30 The 3 Ts over tea Thessalonians, Timothy and Titus. (Read while drinking tea)
5.30-6.30 Philemon and Hebrews (Read in plets ie triplets or quadruplets. Then pray over what you have read.)
6.30-7.30 Dinner discuss Pauline letters
7.30-8.30 Non-Pauline letters- James, Peter, John, Jude (Have 4 readers give an introduction of the author of each book and read the book aloud. People can walk around listening to each author)
8.30-10 Revelations over Supper ( Play audio reading)
An 8-hour Gospel Reading Marathon
Have a sign up sheet for people to read the gospels at different time slots in a high traffic area on campus.
9-10 Matt
10-11 Matt
11-11.30 Matt
11.30-12.30 Mark
12.30-1.30 Luke
1.30-2.30 Luke
2.30-3 Luke
3-4 John
4-5 John
If they are able to read with expression or drama that would be great. The idea is to introduce people to the Jesus in the bible.
or do it online
Get people to sign up to read one chapter each in whichever version they like, upload their video clip on an Facebook Page and organise the clips in the right order.
You could invite listeners/viewers to Christianity Explained, give them a Godzone or send them a video link to a dramatised Gospel video.
You could add the two together for a 27 books weekend away challenge.
Don't forget to include Acts ( 3 hours after dinner on the first day)
There are heaps of possibilities. Take it slow, read the bible with events included for a whole month or speed it up, with a 24/7 challenge where 27 books are read in 24 hours straight. You could add material you find helpful to this blog.
Cheers :)
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